What I thought would be a brief hiatus from blogging has turned into a break of nearly two years.
There would have been many a tale to tell but alas it was not to be. So I shall continue at the present moment in the here and now:
After a year long break from the library I have been voraciously devouring various novels.
While reading one such book I noticed a stain on page 88. On closer inspection it looked like a tomato seed had dried on this page.
What stood out to me was the number 88: It is a significant number in Chinese culture meaning good fortune and wealth - both of which one can never have enough.
I decided to carefully remove the tomato seed and plant it. After all
tomato seeds can remain viable for many years (I have read of 13 year old
seeds being coaxed into sprouting). I am hoping this will be the beginning of a wonderful tomato tradition: The Page 88 tomato. A prolific producer of tasty fruit.
I tried to imagine this careless reader so engrossed in the story that the plop of tomato juice landed unnoticed on the page. She would most likely be a woman (giving the book was a romantic novel) probably on her lunch break eating her sandwich while reading a few pages. My hope is this lady was eating a gourmet sandwich filled with an heirloom tomato rather than the flavourless supermarket variety.
Only time will tell...
88 I wish you all a Happy New Year full of abundance and good fortune. 88